Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2016 has finally come to an end. The Grand Finale of the show was shot on Saturday in Goa and was telecast today evening. Among the five top finalists on the show this year, it's being reported that Bengal boy Kushal Paul has walked away with the trophy. reported, "Zee TV's popular reality show, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2016 has reached its final stage and the show has got this season's winner in the form of Kushal Paul."
While the episode was aired in about a few hours ago, this is a happy news for West Bengal. A happy-go-lucky guy, Kushal won the hearts of millions across the nation with his powerful voice and his rockstar image.
The other contestants who made it to the finals this year were Jagreet Bajwa, Jyotica Tangree, Rupali Jagga and Sachin Kumar Valmikan. The announcement was made this night on ZeeTv. reported, "Zee TV's popular reality show, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2016 has reached its final stage and the show has got this season's winner in the form of Kushal Paul."
While the episode was aired in about a few hours ago, this is a happy news for West Bengal. A happy-go-lucky guy, Kushal won the hearts of millions across the nation with his powerful voice and his rockstar image.
The other contestants who made it to the finals this year were Jagreet Bajwa, Jyotica Tangree, Rupali Jagga and Sachin Kumar Valmikan. The announcement was made this night on ZeeTv.